Frequent questions
Is Dezor safe?
Yes, Dezor is safe. The VirusTotal report shows zero positives, so in theory, there is nothing to worry about when installing the program on your computer. There have also been no reported cases of security breaches related to Dezor.
What is Dezor Premium?
Dezor Premium is a subscription model that, for 1.99 euros per month, allows you to enjoy two additional features: a VPN tool built into the browser itself and an integrated multimedia player.
Why is Dezor so famous?
Dezor is so famous because, unlike other browsers, it will allow you to render some web pages with additional content of all kinds. Only from Dezor you will be able to access this type of web pages.
Is Dezor legal?
Yes, Dezor is as legal a browser as other Internet browsers for Windows can be. What you do within the browser itself is another matter entirely, which depends on the laws of each country.
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